===== Shutdown ===== ==== Hand Off to Another Observer ==== If you are remote observing and someone else is taking over: - Contact the next observers to verify they are ready to observe. - Save the observing log. * Exit from ooffice if necessary. - Verify the new observers have control of the telescope and the transition went smoothly. - Disconnect from the vnc desktops. ==== After observing ==== - Close the shutter, stow the telescope, turn off the DSOS, etc. Following these [[cso:observing:operating#after_observing|instructions]]. * When remote observing, close the shutter before sunrise. - Stop the telescope scanning. * In the UIP xterm, \\ ''__uip__> **sweep /stop**'' - Stop data acquisition. In the //Music DAQ// desktop, - Click the "Stop Data Acquisition" button on the Music gui. - Exit the Music gui, \\ ''** File / Exit**'' - Exit Matlab, \\ ''** File / Exit**'' - Stop the connection between the DAQ and telescope. * In the allegro xterm on the //MUSIC control// desktop, \\ ''allegro$ **kill_tel_util_music**'' * Then close the two xterms in the upper left of the desktop. - Start a new fridge cycle. The cycle takes about 9 hours to complete. A delay can be set, but is not usually necessary. - Connect to the remote desktop on the fridge control computer. \\ ''**csordp.pl -l bolocam submm@burnside.submm.caltech.edu **'' * External connections must be tunneled through ssh. * The {{cso:observing:csordp.pl}} script is recommended for managing the connections. * Further [[cso:observing:ssh_rdp|instructions]] discuss details. * Consult the staff for the necessary passwords. - Stop the temperature monitoring vi and exit from LabView. - Reopen the vi by clicking the "MKIDCam_fridge_201307.vi" link on the Desktop and start it by pressing the white arrow. - Select the 'PT Control and Chase Fridge Cycle' tab. - Set the cycle delay in hours if you want a delay, or set to zero. - Press the button to start the fridge cycle at the specified delay time. Leave the button pressed on. The green square that says 'cycle enabled' should light up bright after a few seconds. - Before exiting from remote desktop, switch over to the 'Temperature Plots' tab so the thermometry will be viewable on the website. - Stow the telescope at 35° ZA so the cryostat is upright for cycling, \\ ''__UIP__> **stow /za 35**'' - Close the automated analysis xterms in the //MUSIC quicklook// desktop. * Type ''**q**'' in each of the six xterms and wait for the IDL prompt to return. * Then kill each xterm. - Perform a backup of the data. From the command prompt on lyre issue the command: \\ ''__lyre__>**/data/raw/backup_raw_data.csh YYYYMM YYYYMMDD**'' \\ where the first argument YYYYMM is the name of the current observing run and YYYYMMDD is the UT date for the recently completed night. This backup will take a significant amount of time (hours), so you should not wait for it to complete. - Disconnect from the vnc desktops. - At the telescope, follow the [[cso:observing:operating#after_observing|instructions]] and leave the computers ready and the control room tidy for the next observers.