This is a brief introduction to heterodyne observing at the CSO. It continues from the general Introduction to Observing.
This guide outlines a common observing scenario, simultaneous Beam Switching observations of three CO isotopologues in the (2-1) lines. There are many possible variations.
mycomp> -C -l user uip
mycomp> -C -l user spectro
kilauea% ssh user@kilauea
kilauea% uip
UIP> pundit true
UIP> shutter /open
UIP> data yyyy-mm-dd
UIP> secondary 120 0.534
UIP> secondary
UIP> za 25
UIP> instrument [RX230 | RX345 | RX460 | RX690]
UIP> tertiary /sidecab
UIP> instrument [RX345X | RX805]
UIP> tertiary /cassegrain
UIP> point rx_name
UIP> lo 12co2-1 /side up /if 5.28
UIP> spec /base 2500 3500 4700 5700
UIP> five 20 /ffts1 /range 4000 4200
UIP> obs target
UIP> spec 10
UIP> shutter /close
UIP> stow
command. Please do not let the Sun directly illuminate any part of the telescope structure. Check the CSO webcams. UIP> sec /stop
UIP> exit
Drive safely!
The CSO has DSB receivers with equal gain in the two sidebands. To determine if specific lines are in the upper or the lower side band, change the LO frequency. Lines in the two sidebands will shift in opposite directions. Lines in the image sideband will shift twice as far as lines in the signal sideband.
UIP> lo /f_off 0.005
If the atmospheric transmission in the two sidebands is different, Calibration correction will be necessary.
UIP> za 25
UIP> lo line /receiver rx_name /force
UIP> spectrometer /restart /ffts2 …