
Scripts are used for MUSIC observations. These scripts interact with the MUSIC data acquisition system (DAQ) and control the scan pattern of the telescope. Standard scripts are located at kilauea:~bolocam/macros/. The standard file extension is .uip although some older scripts use .mac.

Standard scripts

The standard scripts report timing information: start and duration of the constituent observations.


Lissajous sweeps are used for observing small sources.

There are two standard lissajous scripts.

  1. Repeat lissajous observations until a specified time.
    uip> @ MUSIC_201411_lissajous N HH:MM [.true.|.false.]
    • N is the number of observations between IQ sweeps (no IQ sweep if N = 0). Typically, N = 4.
    • HH:MM is the stop time (UT).
    • The (optional) logical flag indicates whether or not to idle the telescope at the end; default .true. (idle). To resume tracking of the most recent target after idling:
      uip> track
  2. Repeat a fixed number of lissajous observations.
    uip> @ MUSIC_201411_lissajous_obs [N] [.true.|.false.]
    • N is the number of observations; default 1.
    • The (optional) logical flag indicates whether or not to do an initial IQ sweep; default .true..
    • The initial IQ sweep takes about 7 min and each repetition takes about 11 min.
    • This script does *not* idle the telescope at the end.


Raster maps are used for beam characterization or for larger fields.

There is a standard beam map script.
uip> @ MUSIC_201501_beammap [.true.|.false.]

There is a standard equatorial map script.
uip> @ MUSIC_201501_raster [30|60|80] [N] [.true.|.false.]



Custom scripts

If the standard scripts are unsuitable, a custom script may be necessary. It is recommended to modify one of the standard scripts rather than starting ab initio. Moreover, it is advisable to consult a member of the MUSIC team or the CSO staff. Highlights of the constiutent sections are discussed here; please consult the uip reference for details.

flsignal 0 /bit 7      ! clear observation flag
stare 2                ! sec
flsignal 1 /bit 7      ! set observation flag
azo 1000               ! move off source
flsignal 1 /bit 6      ! signal DAQ to start IQ sweep
flwait   1 /bit 8      ! wait for DAQ to finish
flsignal 0 /bit 6      ! clear iq sweep flag
flwait   0 /bit 8      ! wait for acknowledgement
azo 0                  ! move back to source
zao -215               ! arcsec
raster_scan 240 1200 72 /step_size 7.5 /altaz /alternate_direction /norot /settling_time 3
raster_scan 240 4320 60 /step_size 73 /equatorial /position_angle 0 /alternate_direction /norot /settling_time 3 
sweep /stop            ! stop sweeping
stare 10               ! sec
flsignal 1 /bit 2      ! set lissajous flag
stare 5                ! sec
sweep 180 6.28 /y 180 8.89 /equatorial
sic wait 5             ! wait for sweep to get going
focus                  ! update telescope focus
flsignal 1 /bit 0      ! set executing flag
sic wait 600           ! sec   observation
flsignal 0 /bit 0      ! clear executing flag
sic wait 5             ! sec
flsignal 0 /bit 2      ! clear lissajous flag
sweep /stop            ! stop the sweep
flsignal 0 /bit 7      ! signal end of observation
sic wait 30            ! sec   wait for DAQ