General observing strategy

In order to obtain data with accurate flux and pointing calibration, the following general strategy should be followed:

  1. An IQ sweep of the resonators should be performed once per hour while tracking a source and whenever a new source is acquired.
  2. Twice per night, a bright calibrator should be observed with @ MUSIC_201410_beammap. This script takes about 25 minutes to complete. The current calibrators, in order of preference, are: Uranus, G34.3, and Neptune.
  3. If your science field is at a declination that is significantly different from the flux calibrator (more than ~10°), then it is recommended that you observe a bright source with similar declination to your science field once per night. This source should be observed with @ MUSIC_201411_lissajous_obs 2, which takes about 30 minutes to complete.
  4. Sources should not be observed at ZA < 15°, as the CSO cannot maintain the required scan velocity that close to the zenith.
cso/instruments/music/strategy.txt · Last modified: 2014-12-16 00:58 by sradford
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