This is a brief synopsis of the setup for Music at the CSO. It continues from the general Introduction to Observing. In case of difficulties, consult the staff.
Check the cryostat temperature. The UC Stage (bottom row, second from the right) should be 0.225 K ± 10 mK.
Because the fridge computer is behind a firewall, use an ssh tunnel to access it. On a Mac, -l http://burnside:8000/MKIDCam_fridge_20121307.html
Three VNC (virtual) desktops are used: music music.daq music.ql
The script is recommended for managing the connections. Consult the staff for the necessary passwords. Further instructions discuss details.
kilauea$ uip
UIP> pundit true
uip> az 90
! East uip> za 45
! for DSOS initialization uip> shutter /open
uip> instrument music
instrument music
until the pointing is set correctly.uip> tertiary /cassegrain
instrument music
so it is not strictly necessary but it doesn't hurt. This is because when you issue those instructions the DSOS assumes that the dish is at the same temperature that it was when the holography measurement was made. It then uses this as a reference for the remainder of the night. So, it is best if the dish is as uniformly cold as possible before you initialize the DSOS.
kilauea$ allegro
is mounted; the roach
directory should be visible. allegro$ ls -d /home/observer/lyre/data/config/roach
allegro$ mount /home/observer/lyre/data/config
allegro$ start_tel_util_music YYYYMMDD 1
kilauea$ cd ~/observing_logs
kilauea$ cp music_obsLog_template.ods music_obsLog_YYYYMMDD.ods
kilauea$ ooffice music_obsLog_YYYYMMDD.ods &
Update the log as you observe. Look at a previous log for an idea of what to enter.
kilauea$ start_autos_music
IDL> @run_run_auto_THIS_TERMS_NAME
kilauea$ lyre
lyre> matlab &
» musicgui
lyre> /data/raw/backup_raw_data.csh YYYYMM YYYYMMDD
lyre> /data/raw/archive_raw_data.csh YYYYMM YYYYMMDD