This quick guide outlines the steps necessary to start observing with Sharc II or Sharp. The Sharc and Sharp documentation have further details. Please also review the general Introduction to Observing. Remote observers, please review the remote observing policy and instructions.
kilauea$ ssh sharc@kilauea
kilauea/sharc> uip
uip> pundit true
uip> az 90
! East uip> za 45
! for DSOS initialization uip> shutter /open
uip> instrument sharc2
uip> tertiary /nasmyth2
! included in instrument uip> vane /out
! move the calibration load out of the beamkilauea% sharcpwr on
kilauea% sharphwp on
kilauea% ssh sharc@sharcii
sharcii% cd ~/fpga
sharcii% go
sharcii% cd ~/DSP
sharcii% sharcDSP
sharcii% s2
SHARC2> status
SHARC2> status
again a few times. sharcDSP
again. SHARC2> quit
sharcii% cd ~/irc
sharcii% sharcServer
hh:mm:ss.sss EVENT Started org.mortbay.http.HttpServer@xxxxxxx
kilauea% cd ~/irc
kilauea% ./sharcClient
kilauea% ./sharcArrange
kilauea% ./sharpArrange
uip> catalog sharp
Observe calibrators to determine the best pointing and focus offsets and for flux calibration.
on the UIP desktop.uip> planet uranus
or uip> observe cal_crl2688
uip> planet ganymede /jpl
uip> ver cal_*
uip> sweep 30 20 /Y 20 14.142 /alt
uip> azo 300
uip> azo 0
uip> fazo az_offset
uip> fzao za_offset
uip> focus /offset focus_offset
Observing target sources is similar to observing calibrators.
uip> observe target
uip> sweep 30 20 /Y 20 14.142 /alt
Beam switching is rarely used with Sharc but is more common for Sharp.
uip> secondary 36.5 1.388888 4 4
uip> sweep 30 70 /y 20 50 /alt
uip> secondary /stop
The Sharp documentation outlines procedures and data reduction for Sharp observations.
For routine observations, use CRUSH for data analysis. There are also some alternate tools for specific tasks. Each exposure is identified by a five digit number, NNNNN.
kilauea% crush sharc2 -deep NNNN1 NNNN2…
kilauea% crush sharc2 NNNN1 NNNN2…
kilauea% crush sharc2 -bright NNNN1 NNNN2…
kilauea% crush sharc2 -extended NNNN1 NNNN2…
kilauea% crush sharc2 -point -altaz NNNNN
kilauea% cd ~sharc
kilauea% sharcpoint NNNNN
To analyse beam switched observations,
kilauea% cd ~sharc
kilauea% sharcchop NNNNN
uip> sweep /stop
uip> sec /stop
kilauea% sharcpwr off
kilauea% sharphwp off
uip> idle